
    Practice and implementation of intelligent transformation at Hanjiacun Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了实现选煤厂智能控制、智能管理、智能决策分析,逐步做到少人或者无人干预,韩家村选煤厂提出了从基础平台、基础自动化、智能控制、智能管理和智能分析决策等方面进行智能化设计,并进行了智能化改造实践。改造后,该选煤厂实现了生产数据信息实时采集、各个系统数据共享、依托选煤专家知识库,使系统可以自主学习、动态预测;矸石带煤率、药剂用量均下降,不仅提高了生产效率、减少了生产和管理成本,而且降低了工人劳动强度,改善了工作环境等,达到了提质增效、降低成本的目的。


      Abstract: In order to enable Hanjiacun Coal Preparation Plant to operate with control, management, decision-making and analysis work to be made all in an intelligent manner, and gradually achieve less and no human intervention, the transformation work is designed with the focus on the aspects of basic platform, basic automation, and intelligent control, management, decision-making and analysis. Practice shows that after technical transformation, the plant is made possible to realize autonomous learning and make dynamic predictions by collecting real-time operation data, shared data of systems, and through the use of the coal preparation expert knowledge base; and the loss of coal in refuse and consumption of flotation reagent are both reduced. The transformation work made has led to improved operating efficiency, reduced operating and management costs, and labor intensity, and improved working condition.


