
    Study of schemes for comprehensive utilization of low-rank coal slime resource

    • 摘要: 我国低阶煤储量巨大,低阶煤泥的高效综合利用对保障我国煤炭工业的健康发展、提高能源利用率意义重大。为探索一条低阶煤泥高效综合利用途径,以小保当选煤厂低阶煤泥为研究对象,结合周边市场产品需求,基于煤泥筛分、浮沉及浮选试验结果,通过研究尾煤制砖混合料的化学成分与物理性能并进行模拟成型、干燥与焙烧试验,以及优化精煤制粉工艺,最终确定小保当选煤厂低阶煤泥资源化综合利用方案:低阶煤泥先经浮选得到浮选尾煤和浮选精煤,其中浮选尾煤利用自身热值烧结制砖,制砖余热经回收、转化成为热蒸汽和高温烟气,对外提供热源;浮选精煤利用制砖余热进一步干燥,研磨制成清洁能源精煤粉。研究表明:小保当选煤厂低阶煤泥通过二次浮选工艺可同时实现浮选尾煤灰分 ≥ 75%和浮选精煤灰分 ≤ 8%,满足后续制砖和制粉的要求;制砖方案可满足制砖对原料的需求,且可实现余热再利用;经过制粉工艺优化可得到合格煤粉产品(粒度 < 0.075 mm,水分 ≤ 8%);方案总投资15 380.79万元,纯利润5 326.10万元/a,静态回收期为2.89 a。通过试验研究、制粉工艺优化、投资估算与经济效益分析可知,该综合利用方案在技术、经济上可行,能够实现所有物料和余热资源化综合利用。


      Abstract: China is endowed with a huge low-rank coal reserve. High-efficiency and comprehensive utilization of the slime of such coal is of vital significance for ensuring healthy growth of the coal industry and boosting the utilization rate of coal resources. In order to explore the approach for attaining the objective, the fine low-rank coal slime produced by Xiaobaodang Coal Preparation Plant is taken as the object of study. The study is made in line with the local market needs and based on results of screening and float-and-sink analysis and flotation test. Through tests on drying and roasting of the bricks made with flotation tailing plus other materials physico-chemical analysis of the mixtures, as well as application of the process for pulverizing flotation concentrate, the scheme for realizing comprehensive utilization of Xiaobaodang coal slime is finally defined as follows: upgrading the low-rank coal slime through flotation; sintering the bricks made with flotation tailing using tailing′s self-heat; the residual heat in making bricks is recovered and transformed into vapor and high-temperature flue gas to supply heat externally as a heat source; and the flotation concentrate is pulverized as a clean coal resource after being further dried by the residual heat in making bricks. As indicated by study results, through secondary flotation of Xiaobaodang Plant′s fine coal slime, the tailing and concentrate products have an ash of ≥75% and ≤ 8%, respectively, which can meet the needs for making bricks and producing pulverized coal product; the materials used are up to the criterion for making bricks, and the residual heat can be recovered for reuse; through optimization of the process for producing pulverized coal, a product with a size of < 0.075 mm and a moisture of ≤ 8% can be obtained; and the investment required for implementing the scheme totals 153.8079 million yuan with a payback period of 2.89 years, and the net profit that can be gained per year a amounts to 53.2610 million yuan. It can be seen from the investment estimate and economic benefits, the scheme is technologically and economically feasible for its ability to realize comprehensive utilization of all materials and residual heat.


