
    Study on the permutation of crusher's hammers based on position matrix and rotor balance

    • 摘要: 为探寻锤头排列的规律,满足破碎机不同应用场景对锤头排列方式的差异化需求,根据破碎机转子的结构特点,引入了锤头位置矩阵的概念来定量地表示锤头的排列方式;基于转子运行的动平衡要求,根据锤头空间离心力系的简化方法,按力系的主矢和向转子几何中心简化的主矩为零的要求,求解了带锤转子的动平衡方程;并对不同锤头排列方式进行了归纳、分类和总结,给出了锤头排列的几则经验。结果表明:锤头位置矩阵的引入可使锤头排列方式由传统的语言或图形表达转变为用能定量计算的矩阵表达;动平衡方程表明,只要根据转子结构参数计算出分解矩阵和力臂向量,即可对该转子锤头的任意一种排列方式的可行性进行判定;对于一些满足带锤转子动平衡要求的锤头排列方式,可视破碎机应用场景选择锤头排数、圈数不同和几何及功能特性不同的排列方式。研究锤头的排列方式可为指导破碎机转子的结构设计和指导生产现场在用破碎机锤头排列调整,以及锤头存在质量偏差条件下的分组配重提供有益参考。


      Abstract: In order to explore the law of permutation of crusher′s hammers and meet the requirements for varying the permutation patterns of hammers to adapt to applications of crusher under different scenarios, the hammers position matrix concept is introduced to define the permutation pattern of hammers on a quantitative basis, based on the structural characteristics of crusher′s rotor. Then, the dynamic balance equation of the rotor fitted with hammers is derived by using the centrifugal force system simplification method, according to the needs for the main vector of the force system and the simplified main moment toward the geometric center of the rotor to become zero, and for the rotor to stay dynamically balanced. Following that, the different hammer arrangement patterns are classified and summarized together with the sharing of some experience in permutation of hammers. Study results show that the introduction of the concept of position matrix permits the transition of the traditional method of expressing arrangement pattern of hammers through language and graphs to an matrix expression that can be quantitatively calculated; with the use of the rotor′s dynamic balance equation, as long as the decomposition matrix and the force arm vector are calculated based on structural parameters of the rotor, the feasibility of any arrangement pattern of hammers on the rotor can be readily determined; and the arrangement pattern of hammers can be selected according to the required number of rows, circles and both geometric and functional characteristics. The study made in the paper not only serves as a guide for the design of crusher′s rotor, and making readjustment of hammers of the crusher working on site, but also provides a valuable reference for adding grouped counterweights in the case that the hammers are inconsistent in quality.


